I am the luckiest lady in the world.
No, really. I am. I have the honor of being invited into others’ lives at the most pivotal moments. Births, engagements, birthdays, graduations and even the every day — moments that people want to remember forever. My screensaver is a collection of at least one image from every session during the past few years. Sometimes I sit and watch it scroll by and cry. Other times I laugh and most times I just smile. It’s so beautiful to watch children grow, families evolve and see happiness in people’s lives.
I’m a southeastern Indiana photographer who specializes in portrait and wedding photography. You’ll find me traveling around the Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky areas, down to the beautiful historic Madison, Indiana as well as around my current town near Lawrenceburg, Indiana. I’m known for snuggling babies, high-fiving school kids, making (lame) jokes at teenagers and bubbling over with love working with couples. I accept limited weekend and weeknight bookings from April through October on location. Year round bookings are available for Wedding and Baby collection clients.
I’m a wife, a momma, a crafter, a writer, a blogger, an outdoor enthusiast and a photographer.
I’d love to meet you and capture your every day, unforgettable moments.