Today’s doctor appointment went SO great! Little Baby Horn is totally healthy and perfect. I was so relieved and excited when the tech kept talking about how good looking the kidneys, heart, bladder, spine were!
Here’s our series of photos from finding out if we have a miss or mister! We’ll be announcing after we tell our families this weekend!
It was a nice, smooth week over here. After a hiccup and surprisingly meeting a new midwife and staff at my doctor’s office, I calmed down and the rest of my appointment went well. Here’s to almost halfway there! 🙂
Since I’ve just been keeping these bumpdates to myself, I decided to have one blog post with all of the ones to date! I’ll do better about blogging weekly in the future promise. For now, here’s what you’ve missed!
What a year 2013 has been! The year started with a newborn boom and only got busier from there. Here’s a little highlight of my year!
Amy Horn Photography
…grew by 1,000 fans on Facebook
…booked 50% more sessions than in 2012
…debuted styled mini sessions
…traveled to the first Florida destination wedding
Other great things from 2013 include:
I taught my first full-day photography class in partnership with Hanover College and have loved watching my students push their limits and grow as photographers.
Cara, owner of Little Golden Fox, and I paired up to offer two beautifully styled mini sessions this fall and winter and we are so excited to work together for more in 2014. The meeting of these two crazy creative minds have us swimming with beautiful ideas for 2014.
I attended a one-day newborn and maternity workshop with Jennie Pyfferoen and Stephanie Knowles to help hone and improve my newborn photography.
I met and photographed independent seniors who have the world at their fingertips to beautiful babes who are feeling with theirs for the first time; families laughing and playing together to little children exploring their surroundings and couples whose love overflows my heart just looking at their photos.
2013 allowed me to experience sessions designed to capture photos of special moments in time to ones that are meant to capture the every day.
What will 2014 bring? There are several beautiful and exciting announcements to come…
Here are my favorites from 2013. I’m not saying these are at “Best of…” collection, but rather some of my personal favorites from the year. Instead of trying to narrow it down to a specific number of photos, I decided to choose images that spoke to me and made me laugh, cry smile and feel the emotion oozing from the screen. I didn’t include any mini session photos in this post, plus I’ve already posted a blog of my favorites from the Christmas minis!
I met some amazing seniors this year who really trusted me to let them express who they are at this amazing point in their lives.
Beautiful babes grew into adorable little people…
Not to mention, babes and kiddos who are just beautiful, handsome and full of personality!
And this year’s siblings? Just to-die-for-adorable!
Don’t get me started on the couples. Oh-la-la!
And last, but not least, my wonderful 2013 family favorites!
And of course, my favorite photo of my sweet husband and me. Taken, as you know, down in Florida with my remote shutter.
Thank you all for a wonderful 2013! I can’t wait to see what exciting things 2014 has in store for AHP!
What happens when a photographer plans your high school reunion? Well, the event looks more like a decorated wedding reception than a bar AND a photobooth is a requirement. I asked my second shooter Cassie to man the camera for the night so my classmates and I could get silly and capture our memories without me reaching for the camera. I was the president of our tiny class so I knew I wanted this reunion on a budget — but I didn’t want it to feel like a backyard ho-down. (In reality, we could’ve had a ho-down and people probably still would’ve been happy.) So I set out to find a nice, affordable venue with a cash bar option.
Venue: Madison Elks Lodge :: Madison, Indiana
Offerings: Cash bar, screened & heated porch for smokers, simple food catering options, off-street parking, friendly staff, rental discount with membership, day-before decorating, built-in audio speakers (we had an iPod shuffle mix for the night)
Here’s a breakdown of the decorations:
All of the photos from display were from my personal collection so I didn’t have to worry about borrowing or returning any (I’ve always been the one taking photos!) — so it was nice to have them on hand for decorating. I wrote down that there were seven tables for decorating and then the 10 for seating… but when I arrived it was SEVENTEEN for decorating (oh noes). It was at that point I was happy I threw in a bunch of my random photo props too in my car. I knew I wanted a country feel (we all did grow up on farms) with a vintage feel. I didn’t go with flowers or other decorations with our school colors. We all knew our colors, no need to splash them all over. I only used them in the photobooth.
Wooden centerpieces :: made by sweet Jim out of wood from our property. No open flames allowed at the venue, so I had to use LED candles.
Vases :: Purchased at a flea market for .50 each. Wrapped in twine (farm store) and held with hot glue
Crates :: Free from the dumpster behind my work
Mini Clothes pins :: $1.47 for 25 from Michaels (these break super easy, btw)
Flowers wrapped around vases & centerpieces :: from my newborn headband collection
Dessert Table :: from my prop collection
2003 sign :: ‘borrowed’ after my husband’s 10 year reunion the weekend before.
Photobooth :: Seamless gray paper, backdrop stand, clamps (all on hand) helium balloons in school colors
Props :: Photobooth props and free printables on sticks (on hand & borrowed from a friend)
Desserts :: VP alumni baked, decorated and brought
Flowers :: Kroger floral department, assorted bouquets $18
White Lights :: On hand from my friend’s Christmas decorations
I decorated all of the round tables with flowers and the candle centerpieces and designated them for seating. I then surrounded two of the outer walls with long tables filled with decorations such as old photos from high school, yearbooks from our four years and the dessert table.
It’s really quite amazing how classic baby’s breath flowers look when they are displayed in a collection or even as a muted accent. I loved them in the twine jars and the clear ones too.
Here’s how the dessert table turned out. I really didn’t go into it with a design in mind, but I knew I wanted different heights. I thought the camera was a perfect little vintage accent.
Sadly, we did have one member of our graduating class pass away. I wanted to make sure I started a tradition for our reunions that would allow us to remember our classmates who has passed, so I had a special candle with Jackie’s picture on display.
Here’s a behind the scenes look at our photobooth too. We scooted the balloons way in for the photos and had an entire table of props too!
Here’s my favorite photobooth memories from the night where I jumped in!
And lastly, we couldn’t forget to take a minute for a group photo of all of us who were able to come out and reunite. We graduated with approximately 86, so I thought this turnout was great! Here’s to the next 10 years!
A few years ago, I was showing my mom photos of a vacation Jimmy and I took, when she smartly asked if only Jimmy went on the trip. I looked at the photos and saw Jimmy at the beach, playing mini golf, posing in front of a funny sign, driving and eating dinner. There was one big thing missing from our photos — me!
In 2009, we took an amazing trip out west. We went from San Diego down to the Grand Canyon and about every cool spot in between. We hiked, swam, rock-crawled (is that a verb?) and really loved our time. I thought I wised up on that trip — I packed TWO cameras. Assigned the point and shoot to Jim and kept my SLR. I instructed him to take lots of photos and don’t be afraid to get me in them. The photos from that trip turned out AMAZING! Lanscapes that were breathtaking, Jimmy looked great, I looked fab… But I realized that from our photos, it looked like we had wonderful vacation, just not together. There were only a few photos of the two of us together.
When the two of us traveled down to the Orlando, Florida area to photograph a destination wedding, I decided to approach our photo-taking differently. I wanted to focus on our experiences as well as capture quality self portraits of us in beautiful locations.
I packed a tripod and remote shutter (it mounts on the top of my camera and then I have a wireless button) and used to to get all of the photos you see of the two of us together. I also got out some of our wedding sundries and paraphernalia, including the wedding flip flops I’d worn, so that I could reminisce the event all over again. Here’s a few things I’ve learned about taking self portraits with the timer (tips, if you may).
1. Always shoot in manual.
2. I put Jimmy in whatever scene it is first and then meter off of his face to decide my settings. I usually fire off a test shot or two to make sure I like how the light is hitting.
3. Then toggle my focus to be on Jimmy. I allow my remote shutter to auto-focus and like that the toggle set helps my photos be sharp.
4. I usually shoot between 4-5.6 aperature to make sure we are both in focus and there is a nice fall off.
5. My composition is based around where I place Jimmy in the frame. I always know where I’ll go stand and how my shot is set up.
6. I hand Jimmy the remote. I get so stiff about posing for photos (I’m not used to being in front of the lens!) So when he’s the one pushing the button, I just smile and act natural with him.
7. Always make sure I check my images before we move on. I picked that location for a reason and I want to make sure that I have one I love before moving on. 🙂
I’ve only had a few of these “sessions” with the two of us and really, they keep getting easier. The key is to be patient and just relax. If you don’t know your camera settings, you’ll probably not be happy with the results, but don’t quit! Keep trying! 🙂 If you don’t have a remote, just try some of these with your 10 second timer (I also do that often)!
I love this series from our first morning at the resort. I really wanted to capture how I felt during moments and not just events and a million palm trees. My non-coffee drinking husband surprised me on our balcony the first morning with two cups of coffee and some of the best conversation. We arrived at the resort late the night before, so we took a walk around exploring before heading to breakfast. The top left photo is my favorite. My sweet husband looks so handsome and this photo captures his coy grin he flashes me right before he tells me that he loves me.
Something you may not know is that my husband and I really enjoy shooting pool. I grew up with a pool table in my house and we’ve spent many years shooting in my parent’s basement (many, many hours with my dear momma). So it was only fitting we shoot at the resort. 🙂
I swear it rained every time I wanted us to go out with the tripod on the resort. There was a hurricane that came through while we were down there and we went out after a rain storm one afternoon and got this first series.
Here’s me setting up one of our shots. You can see Jimmy being so funny in front of the camera — not many people get to see this hilarious side of him and I love it!
Here’s a great example of setting the shot, jumping in it and then letting us be ourselves 🙂 Isn’t Jimmy quite the model?
I love the curve of the bridge here.
And of course, my sweet husband is so good about grabbing the camera (he’s had lots of lessions from me) and snapping a few photos of me!
Here’s my favorite he took of me, with a favorite that we went and took together at night on the beach. It was so wonderful to play with light, long exposure and experience the beach at night together for the first time without hotels lighting it up.
There’s nothing more attractive than my husband with my camera equipment. rawr.
We also had a little fun with our photos — We tried to take a photo every day of vacation (and did pretty well at it)! These are all just on our balcony at the resort.
Here’s a few favorites I snapped at the resort:
Then when we got to Cape Canveral, we went down to Jetty Beach during golden hour and captured some of my favorite photos of us yet! You can see how I set up the shot and then how it unfolded. I’m still in amazement at how wonderful these turned out! Jimmy and I have been together for just shy of 10 years and this trip was such a beautiful reminder of our love and how much this sweet man supports me and my love for photography (of others and of us!).
This little sweet pea is my precious niece Allison. I’ve been photographing this sweetie since her newborn session and I love making special time each year to capture the little ones in my life! Here are my favorites!
I wanted to share a few photos from when my little California nephew came to visit us earlier this summer. This little sweetie and my husband’s sister live in San Diego, so we only get to visit with Nate a few days of the year. He just finished his first year of kindergarden and started first grade this week. We love this little guy to bits and he’s always so well behaved for his Auntie Amy’s photo sessions! 🙂 I’ll post more from his 6 year old pictures (camping themed!) in a few weeks.
Here are some that we snapped under my favorite walnut trees on the farm. I’m always preaching about taking quality photos of family, so it’s so great when I get to share the photos I’m always taking too!